小坂 直敏 OSAKA Naotoshi

代表作は「ピアノと二台のコンピュータのための「音の織物」(1998)、オーケストラとコンピュータのための「驥尾焚き火…」(2009)、オーケストラのための「音の音」(2014)など。NTTコンピュータ音楽シンポジウム(’97, ’01)、けいはんなメディアフェスティバル(’01-’04)、Media Project(’07-’22)他、コンピュータ音楽企画を多数実施。ICMC 1993および2003,2007入選。NYCEMF ’15, ’16,’19入選。2002-2009年までICMA(国際コンピュータ音楽連盟)アジアオセアニア地区理事。2009-2018まで先端芸術音楽創作学会(JSSA)会長。博士(工学)。2003年より東京電機大学教授。



Naotoshi Osaka is a composer and acoustics researcher. He received an M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Waseda University in 1978. He worked at the Electrical Communication Laboratories, NTT, Tokyo, Japan, from 1978 to 2003. He received a Doctor of Engineering in 1994. His main research interest is timbre synthesis or effects for both sound and speech. So far he has been studying sound morphing and sound hybridization. Recent interest is sound collage, which expresses an environmental sound in terms instrumental sound. Moreover, his interest is enlarged to include Deep learning based AI composition. Since 1990 he has focused mainly on composing computer music and related sound synthesis technologies. His representative works include “Sound textile” for piano and computer (1998), “Shizuku no kuzushi” for violin, computer and orchestra (1999), and Piano concerto No. 2 (2021). He joined the ICMC 1993 and ICMC 2003. Besides composition, he has also organized computer music concerts, such as the NTT Computer Music Symposium I (1997) and II (2001). From 1996 to March 2003, he led a computer music research group at NTT Communication Science Laboratories in Atsugi, Kanagawa. He is presently a professor at Tokyo Denki University. He is a member of the ASJ, IEICE, IPSJ, ICMA and IEEE. He was a former president of the JSSA (Japanese Society of Sonic Arts) (2009-2018) after serving as the ICMA (International Computer Music Association) Asia/Oceania Regional Director (2002-2009).