2003 年 日本交響楽振興財団主催第 25 回作曲賞入選ならびに奨励賞を受賞。
2009 年 Universal Marimba Composition Competition 2009 2nd Prize & Publishing Prize を受賞。
2010 年 International Music PrizeTM for Excellence in Composition 2010 Honorable Mention Citation入選。
2015 年から舘野泉と音楽をする。
日本現代音楽協会会員 日本作編曲家協会会員 全日本児童音楽協会会長。
作曲を松村禎三 浦田健次郎 山田泉の諸氏に師事。
Born in 1963, he studied composition at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with Teizo MATSUMURA and Kenjiro URATA, Izumi YAMADA, graduated with honor performance of his composition. Awarded in the 16th and 25th Composition Awards by Japan Symphony Foundation, his orchestra works are much acclaimed for its eminent combination of novelty and pureness with stable national traits, while producing fine chamber pieces including recent “Cenote” with Universal marimba Composition Competition 2009/2nd Prize & Publishing Prize.
At present, he is professor of the music department in OKINAWA PREFECTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ARTS, member of Japan Society of Contemporary Music, Japan Composers & Arrangers Association, president of Japan Association of The Creation of Children’s Songs.