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The 31st JSCM Award for Composers (2014)

The 31st JSCM Award for Composers (2014)

Since 1984, Japan Society for Contemporary Music (JSCM) has been providing ‘JSCM Award for Composers’ for new talent in the field of contemporary music composition, in order to support composers whose contribution to the development of yet new aspect of music we consider of not a little importance.
To achieve our purpose of finding out striking talents without compromise, the jury consists of a very small group of one chief juror and two other jurors, of whom the chief each year is selected by JSCM, and the other two are appointed by the selected chief.
Subjects and conditions for works to be submitted are set by each year’s chief juror, so that the award will be characterized not by any superficial moderation, but by strikingly unique individuality — unique new talent meeting the unique eye of a juror.

A person of any age and nationality is eligible.
* Regular members of JSCM or Winners of the previous JSCM Award for Composers can not apply.

1 or 2 Piano(s) by 1 ~ 3 players. (Steinway)
* Excluding any preparation or internal playing method.
* Pieces with electronics will not be accepted.

The duration of the submitted pieces should be within 15 minutes.

Submitting Period and Deadline:
The submitting period starts May 1st 2014 and the piece must arrive at JSCM until June 27 2014 (17h00 JST/UTC+9).

Materials to be submitted:
The following materials must be submitted either by mail or by the applicants themselves.
[1] 2 copies of the submitted score.
[2] Applicant’s information (written on either the application form or any other sheet of paper).
1) Applicant’s name (in block letter)
2) Date of birth
3) Brief Curriculum Vitae
4) Title of the submitted piece and the year of the composition
5) Program note
6) Instrumentation
7) Duration
8) Postal address, telephone (and fax) number, and e-mail address of the applicant
[3] A return envelope (of normal letter size), with the name and the postal address of the applicant,
and with the appropriate amount of postage stamps on (if from overseas, international postage
[4] Proof of the payment of the entry fee (a copy of note from the bank)

Applications and submitted scores should be sent to the following address:
The 31st Award for Composers
c/o Japan Society for Contemporary Music
Yamaichi-Building 501
2-5-7 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku
Tokyo 141-0022 Japan

Entry Fee:
12,500 JPY (excluding sending cost). Checks and money orders are not accepted. It should be

transferred to the following bank account:
Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, Mejiro Branch,
Savings Account: 6360842
Swift Code: SMBC JP JT
Japan Society for Contemporary Music


– The 31st JSCM Award for Composers is given to the winner of the first prize, who will receive at
the awards ceremony, the testimonial (certificate) and 150,000 JPY.
– Togashi Award is given to the piece which derserves the award. The recipient will also be given a
testimonial certificate and 100,000 JPY during the awards ceremony.
– Both monetary awards will be divided equally if there are more than one recipient.
– The jury will select about 4 pieces by reading and comparing the scores.
– The selected pieces will be performed in the following concert, and the award-given pieces will be

decided after a public debate:
JSCM’s Autumn Exhibition 2014 / The 31st JSCM Award for Composers Competition
October 23 2014 at Tokyo College of Music (Tokyo)

Members of Jury:
Masahiro Yamauchi (chief juror), Toshio Nakagawa, Hitomi Kaneko

Notice of Conditions:
– The piece(s) to be submitted MUST NOT be previously performed at ANY public concert.
– Each applicant can submit more than one piece.
– Even if the piece was submitted for the JSCM Award for Composers in the previous years, it can
be submitted again unless it won the Award before.
– Both the title of the piece and the name of the composer MUST BE written on the score.
– The score must be either clearly photocopied in black, written in black ink, or printed out from
computer (where an appropriate notation software is used).
– The applicant must keep a copy of the submitted piece in case any accident should happen.
– The submitted materials will not be returned to the applicants as a rule.
– Any applicant that would like any material returned MUST inform JSCM of that beforehand, when s/he must also send the postage.
– Once the score is submitted, any alteration or addition will not be permitted as a rule.
– Once the entry fee is paid in, it will NOT be returned for ANY reason.
Any enquiry as to the information above should be made to JSCM by document (e-mail, fax, letter,
etc.), with the contact number of the sender clearly written.




「現音」ではいろいろな作曲家のさまざまな作品を演奏しましたけれど、実は1回だけ“指揮”をしたこともあり、懐かしい思い出のひとつです。曲は、松平頼曉さんの《What’s next?》というシアター・ピースでした。当時、私はNHKでよく劇伴の仕事をしていて、ちょっと手が足りない時に、もちろん小さな編成ですが、指揮をしたこともありました。でも、まさかコンサートで指揮することになるとは思ってもいなかったので、さすがに演奏仲間のフルートの小泉浩さんに頼んで、腕の振り方などを一から教わって本番に臨んだものです。私は左利きなので左手で棒を振ったのですが、NHKで放送された際、上浪渡さんが「あの曲は左手で振れという指示があるの?」と訝っていらしたのが可笑しかったです。












【第1位】第24回朝日現代音楽賞 賞状・賞金50万円



