第3回現音作曲新人賞、第56回日本音楽コンクール第3位、ブダペスト・スプリング・フェスティヴァル国際作曲コンクール第2位、第3回今日の音楽作曲賞第3位。日本交響楽振興財団 第11回作曲賞入選。
Born in Tokyo. Graduated from the Musicology Course and the Composition Course, Kunitachi College of Music. Received the 3rd JSCM (Japan Society for Contemporary Music) Award for Composers. Awarded the 3rd Prize in the 56th Music Competition of Japan, the 2nd Prize in Budapest Spring Festival International Composers’ Competition and the 3rd prize in the 3rd Music Today Composition Contest. Received an honorable mention in the 11th Composition Award sponsored by the Japan Symphony Foundation. Member of Japan Society for Contemporary Music, the Japan Federation of Composers, Modern Japanese Song Society and the Hogaku Composers Alliance 2010.
Working in various genres ranged from music for children to contemporary music. Currently enthusiastic about composing songs with Japanese traditional instruments.