なかに しあかね NAKANISHI Akane

東京芸術大学音楽学部作曲科卒業。ロンドン大学ゴールドスミスカレッジ大学院にて作曲修士号、キングスカレッジ大学院にて作曲博士号を修める。第66回日本音楽コンクール作曲部門第1位及び安田賞受賞、国際フランツ・シューベルト作曲コンクール入賞ほか、吹田音楽賞、現音新人賞、深尾須磨子作曲賞など入賞、入選多数。ダーティントン音楽祭(英)、チェルトナム音楽祭(英)、フェロー国際現代音楽祭(デンマーク)、ブレッシア音楽祭(伊)、Japan Festival UK(英)他の音楽祭、NHK, 英国BBC他の放送局などにより作品が紹介され、国内外の演奏家から委嘱を受けている。作曲家、演奏家双方の立場からの「ことばと音楽」についての研究を続け、歌曲伴奏者としても複数のCDが「レコード芸術」特選盤に選ばれるなど、充実した活動を行っている。平成17年度文化庁在外研修員として半年間ロンドンにて研修。 現在、神戸女学院大学音楽学部教授。宮城学院女子大学非常勤講師。 Handel Festival Japan実行委員。日本作曲家協議会、日本現代音楽協会、日本音楽著作権協会会員。




Akane Nakanishi (Tsuji) studied at the National Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music. In 1992 she moved to London where she finished her MMus in composition at Goldsmith’s College, and PhD in composition at King’s College, London, under Sir Harrison Birtwistle. She also studied vocal accompaniment with Geoffrey Parsons, Iain Ledingham in London and Hartmut Hӧll in Salzburg. Back to Japan since 2000, she had been teaching at Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University. She was also chosen for the Japanese government research- abroad scheme for artist for 2005-2006. In 2020, she is appointed to a professorship at Kobe College.

She has won composition prizes including the Franz Schubert International Composition Competition, the 66th Japan Music Competition (first prize and Yasuda Prize) among others. Her pieces have been performed in Japan, UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Germany and USA as well as broadcasted on the BBC, NHK and others. Over 100 music have been published in Japan, mainly vocal and choir pieces as well as instrumental pieces. Many of them can also be heard on CD recordings. She has been also popular as a contest jury, lecturer-trainer for choir and vocal sessions, appearing numerous concerts as a guest conductor and pianist.