武蔵野音楽大学卒業、桐朋学園大学研究科、東京学芸大学大学院修士課程、愛知県立芸術大学大学院博士後期課程を各修了。作曲分野で博士号を取得。作曲を近藤譲、福士則夫、山内雅弘、山本裕之の各氏に師事。これまでに自作品が現音作曲新人賞入選、イタリア文化会館大阪主催・日伊作曲コンクール“MUSICA E POESIA TRA ITALIA E GIAPPONE” 第3位、洗足現代音楽作曲コンクール(オーケストラ部門)第3位、奏楽堂日本歌曲コンクール作曲部門第2位、弘前桜の園作曲コンクール第1位(審査委員長:下山一二三)、弘前市長賞など。現在、日本現代音楽協会、日本音楽学会各会員、愛知県立芸術大学非常勤講師。主として現代音楽の分野で創作・研究活動を行っている。
Born in Chiba in 1984. After studying at Musashino Academia Musicae and Toho Gakuen College Music, he completed the master’s program in the field of music pedagogy at Tokyo Gakugei University and the doctoral program in the field of composition at Aichi University of the Arts. He studied composition under Jo Kondo, Norio Fukushi, Masahiro Yamauchi and Hiroyuki Yamamoto. He has awarded some prizes, including the first prize in the 12th Hirosaki Cherry-garden Composition Competition (2014), the second prize in the 21th Sogakudo Japanese Song Competition (2015), the third prize in the 3th Senzoku Contemporary Composition Competition (2015) and the third prize in the Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Musicale “MUSICA E POESIA TRA ITALIA E GIAPPONE” (2015). His works were selected as a finalist of competition of JSCM (ISCM Japanese section) and others. He is currently a lecturer in Aichi University of the Arts.