松尾 祐孝 MATSUO Masataka

1959年東京生まれ。1984年東京芸術大学大学院修士課程修了。85年日仏現代音楽作曲コンクール特別賞、88年ACL青年作曲賞第1位、92年ISCM世界音楽の日々ワルシャワ大会入選、その他、村松賞、別宮賞等、受賞多数。94年には、代表作〈PHONOAPHEREⅠ~尺八と管弦楽の為に〉が東京フィル欧州楽旅で絶賛を博す。以後、邦楽器の分野にも積極的に関わっており、2014年に開催した《松尾祐孝邦楽器作品個展》は大きな反響を巻き起こした。国際交流活動にも積極的で、98年ブザンソン国際作曲コンクール審査員、《ISCM世界音楽の日々2001横浜大会》等の実行委員長、メキシコ《セルバンティノ芸術祭2005》招待作曲家、エクアドル《日本=エクアドル交流演奏会2006》招待指揮者、NY《Music From Japan 2007》委嘱作曲家、ポルトガル《Musica Viva 2010》委嘱作曲家、ウクライナ《Donbas Modern Music Art 2013》招聘指揮者、等を歴任している。近年は、チーム百万石YouTubeチャンネルから多彩な作品を公開している。



M. Matsuo received MA degree from Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music. He was awarded many prizes including the special prize at Japan-France Contemporary Music Composition 1985, the 1st Prize at ACL Young Composers Award 1988 Hong Kong, selected for ISCM World Music Days 1992 Warsaw, and selected for ACL Asian Music festival 2002 Seoul, 2010 Taiwan and 2014 Yokohama-Tokyo.
His works were performed by various music groups and musicians all over the world ; Tokyo Philharmonic Europe Tour 1994, Lisbon Gulbenkian Orchestra, Badische Staatkapelle Karlsruhe, Hong Kong philharmonic, Praha, Melbourne, and etc…
In 1998 He was invited as a jury from Besancon International Competition. And He was Executive Chairperson of ISCM World Music Days 2001 in Yokohama, Japan-Czech Exchange 2003 and Japan-Portugal Exchange 2010, and was the planner of Tokyo Philharmonic Asian & Pan-pacific Composers Series 1998-2001. And his recent works were premiered at Music From Japan 2007 in New York, MUSICA VIVA 2010 in Lisbon and Asian Music Festival 2011 in Tokyo and many other concerts and festivals. Especially he was invaited as guest conductor for Final Concert of Donbas Modern Music Art 2013 Ukraine.
At present, he is professor at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, a lecturer at Shobi Gakuen University, and is working on many composing and conducting. And he is Executive Committee Member of ISCM Japan and Representative Director of Japan Wood Culture Society and etc…