「祈りの音」を主題に作曲活動を行う。Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra、NHKファミリーコンサート、佐藤紀雄+川口雅行デュオコンサート等で委嘱作品が初演された他、声楽、器楽、子どものための作品を中心に発表。IBLA国際作曲コンクール、東京国際室内楽作曲コンクール入選。ロンドンにてCity of London Festivalに参加、和楽器作品がBBC Radioにて放送される。
桐朋女子高等学校音楽科、桐朋学園大学作曲専攻を経て、英国ギルドホール音楽院作曲修士課程を最優秀で修了。渡米後、奨学金を得てバークリー音楽院にて映画音楽を専攻。三瀬和朗、安良岡章夫、権代敦彦、野澤啓子、Judith Binghamの各氏に師事。新国立劇場開場記念公演「紙屋町さくらホテル(井上ひさし作)」出演。作編曲作品がカワイ出版及びTREKEL社より発売されている。日本作曲家協議会、日本現代音楽協会、OTOの会、日本ソルフェージュ研究協議会会員。



Mai Fukasawa is a composer on the theme of prayer sounds. In addition, she has performed as a pianist and has received awards for both her compositions and her performances. Today, she explores music comprising spatial, theatrical, and experimental elements inspired by her collaborative experiences in contemporary dance, short films, and theatre.
Born in Tokyo, Japan, Mai earned a Bachelor of Music in Composition and completed a graduate course at the Toho Gakuen College of Music in Tokyo, after which she earned a distinction in a Master of Music in Composition from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London. While in the UK, she was invited to the City of London Festival, and to collaborate in a project with the London Contemporary Dance School. Her piece was broadcast on BBC Radio and has been short listed as a composer of Society of Promoting New Music. After moving to Boston, Mai was honored with a scholarship from the Berklee College of Music, where she continued her studies in the film scoring department. The scores of her composition and arrangement have been published in Japan and Europe. She also seeking to nurture the next generation in Japan.