水野 みか子 MIZUNO Mikako

作曲と音楽学の分野で活動している。作曲作品は電子音響音楽、室内楽、管弦楽など幅広いジャンルに渡っており、国内外の音楽祭や劇場で多数演奏されている。最近の活動として、NIME2021、ICMC2017/2018/2019、ACMP2018 /2019、WeiWuYing台湾国立芸術センター開館記念演奏会への出演 (2018)のほか、北京中央音楽院のMusicacousticaをはじめ国際音楽祭等でマスタークラスを実施(ランス地方音楽院、台湾国立交通大学 WOCMAT)、あいちトリエンナーレ公募公演企画・参加(2013/2019)、セントラル愛知交響楽団委嘱初演、「東アジアの電子音響音楽」(英語、共著2019)と「Music/Technology」(英語、共著2020)の出版などがある。2016年ソルボンヌ大学客員研究員。日本電子音楽協会会長、名古屋市立大学大学院芸術工学研究科教授。



Composer/musicologist. Born in Japan, majored in aesthetics and graduated from Tokyo University (B.A.). After her formative years in Aichi Prefectural College of Arts and Music and getting her master degree for composition, Mizuno received doctor degree from Nagoya University (D.Eng.) in 2000 with the thesis concerning <space> in the contemporary music. She started to work at Nagoya City University in 1997, teaching sound design and music information theory. In 2016, she stayed in Paris as invited researcher of Université Sorbonne and researched the materials inherited from Pierre Schaeffer. Her music has been heard in a lot of locations including France(Bourges, Paris, Reims), Germany(Berlin, Köln), Austria(Salzburg, Linz, Vienna), Hungary(Budapest), Italy(Venice, Alba, Treviso, Udine) , Republic of Moldova, ISEA, ISCM, EMS, Musicacoustica, ACMP, WOCMAT, NIME, ICMC(2017,2018,2019,2021) and in several cities in Japan. More than twenty pieces of her computer music were premiered in JSEM concerts. Her pieces have been played by groups and performers such as Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra, Hiroaki Ooi, Satoko Tange, Naoto Manabe, Kazuya Ota. She has been a member Japanese Society of Electronic Music (JSEM) since 1994, and now is the president of JSEM. She also serves as a leading person for JSEM archive project, board member of Japanese Society for Sonic Arts(JSSA), Meta-Xenakis consortium, Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, and has served as the Chair of EMS2017. She is currently Dean and Professor of the School of Design and Architecture at Nagoya City University(SDA-NCU), and leading the Sound Design Lab. of SDA-NCU.