文化庁舞台芸術創作奨励特別賞(管弦楽部門)、第14回PAS打楽器作品コンクール第1位(アメリカ)、トリエステ市賞第2位(イタリア)、神戸国際フルート作品作曲コンクール第2位、ISCM入選(1991スイス、1997韓国、2015 スロヴェニア)、ACL入選(1997フィリピン、2007ニュージーランド)など受賞多数。
東京芸術大学大学院作曲科修了。同大学院在学中にイタリア政府給費留学生として渡欧。ミラノ G・ヴェルディ音楽院作曲科及び指揮科にて学び、ローマ アカデミア・聖チェチリア作曲科修了。広島大学大学院助教授、愛知県立芸術大学教授を経て、現在名古屋音楽大学特任教授。アンサンブルákka芸術顧問。
He was born in 1955 in Tokyo and graduated from Meiji University with a politics degree. He received scholarship from Italian Government and studied composition and conducting at Conservatory of G.Verdi in Milan and graduated from Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome (studying with F. Donatoni). He graduated from Graduate School of Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music. After being an Associate Professor of Hiroshima University and a Professor of Aichi University of the Arts, he is currently a Specially Appointed Professor of Nagoya College of Music. He is an Artistic Adviser of Ensemble H[ákka].
He is trying to confront the problems of modern society. He has long been involved as a music director in “Green Concerts” and “Creating Lullabies in Japan and Asia in the 21st Century” (hosted by the Kyoto 22nd Century Club) on environmental issues, the 9/11 NY terrorism and the 3/11 Tohoku Earthquake. He has also created a contemporary music ensemble, H [àkka], in Hiroshima for transmitting messages of rebirth to the world from Hiroshima.
He won the 1st prize in the 14th Percussive Arts Society Composition Competition in USA, won the 1st prize in the Theatrical Arts Competition of the Japanese Ministry of Education, awarded 2nd prize in 35th Premio Musicale Cittá di Trieste in Italy, awarded 2nd prize in Kobe International Flute Composition Competition, etc. His works have been selected for performance at ISCM World Music Days (1991 Switzerland, 1997 Korea, 2015 Slovenia) and Asian Composers League Festival (1997 Philippine, 2007 New Zealand).